Despite the legalization of hemp from the 2018 Farm Bill Act, a good majority of novel CBD users are still categorizing CBD as a product made strictly from marijuana.
Let’s be clear on this once and for all, Hemp is not Marijuana. When President Nixon declared the “war on drugs” in 1971 and created the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and hemp got grouped together with marijuana as a banned substance. For nearly 50 years, hemp has been misconstrued as a schedule 1 substance along with its brother marijuana when hemp with 0.3% THC or less is not psychoactive. Talk about guilty by association.
In light of it all, we can see why the misconception occurred. Hemp and marijuana are both classified as cannabis by genus and sub-grouped as sativa by species. HOWEVER, the major difference is that hemp only contains <0.3% THC as oppose to 5-35% THC from different marijuana strains that are psychoactive.
Hope this helps put your mind at ease that by using a CBD product made from Hemp, you are not using marijuana!