We cringe every time we see people putting their cbd oil on their salad, hot coffee, and many other foods. Look, you work hard for your money so don’t go wasting it because you saw a popular person post a picture of a dropper of CBD oil next to a bowl or salad. Be wise and knowledgeable about how CBD works in the body for your own health, wellness, and wallet. Dropping some heavy dimes on BIOAVAILABILITY, the science of how your body absorbs, metabolizes, distributes, and excretes what you ingest, in this case CBD.
There are so many CBD products out in the market! We think it is crucial to educate people about CBD Bioavailability. To put it simply, Bioavailability is the degree and rate at which a compound is absorbed into the bloodstream.
A 10 mg CBD “oral” gummy does Not equal to a 10 mg CBD “sublingual” tincture or 10 mg of CBD “vape”; in regard to Bioavailability. Why the difference?
When a person takes a CBD pill/edible orally, it must go through the digestive tract and then to the liver before it reaches systemic circulation. This is called the first pass effect where the liver metabolizes (breaks down) CBD to help eliminate it from the body. So, as you can see, being able to bypass this “first pass effect” is crucial to getting more CBD into circulation. If taken orally, the digestive tract will break down most of the CBD before your body is able to absorb it. Two of the best ways to do this is through the mucous membrane under the tongue (sublingually) or by vaping into the lungs.
The endocannabinoid system is an intricate body of network that responds to everything around it. Leading a good lifestyle will dictate the “tone” of the cannabinoid system. That means eating a healthy diet rich in good fats such as nuts and avocados, exercising regularly, having sufficient sleep, and ability to control stress under heavy pressure situations are few of the important factors that determine quality of life.
In a systematic review (pooling of relevant clinical trials) on the pharmacokinetics of CBD in humans, the following was found:
Oral = 4-20%
Sublingual = 12-35%
Vape = 35-50%
I’m sure you know that CBD is expensive, so we don’t recommend you put CBD products in your hot coffee which breaks down these sensitive compounds before your body even has a chance to absorb them!
Article: A Systematic Review on the Pharmacokinetics of Cannabidiol in Humans (Link: Click Here)